Welcome IRT 2024 Scholars

Annual IRT Summer Workshop and Recruiters’ Weekend Kickoff

We are delighted to welcome the 2024 cohort into the IRT family! On June 3rd, an impressive group of 130 scholars started their respective journeys to graduate school with IRT. This year we will support more than 100 scholars in their pursuit of a Doctorate and more than 20 scholars in their pursuit of a Master’s degree. Roughly one third of the cohort is seeking a graduate degree in an education field, while the remaining two-thirds are applying to humanities and social sciences fields.

This year we are most excited to deliver a more culturally responsive advising model. Inspired by the teachings of our own Summer Workshop curriculum- drawing from Yosso and Friere’s wisdom around centering students’ knowledge- we are embracing a culture of co-creating expertise around the graduate school application process with our scholars and implementing more opportunities for the cohort to learn from each other.

As ever, we are humbled by the brilliance of our scholars, the breadth of their achievements, and the depth of their commitment to having a positive impact on the world. Welcome 2024 Cohort!

Leislie Godo-Solo, IRT ’91, IRT Education Specialist and Brittany Zorn, IRT ’13, IRT Arts and Sciences Specialist

(L-R) Godo-Solo and Zorn

IRT Summer Workshop

The workshop will be held virtually throughout July including the annual Recruiter’s Weekend where students have direct access with deans and admissions representatives at more than 40 universities and colleges in partnership with IRT. We are excited to share the main pillars of the workshop curriculum and look forward to the ongoing engagement!

Current Climate in Education –  Brief survey of historical developments and philosophic bases, public policy issues at the state and federal level; types of institutions and their purposes; characteristics of faculty, students and curricula. The vital questions being asked, “What Is the Past, Present, Future Of Higher Education?” and “How Does Systemic Oppression Explain Educational Disparities?”

Thriving in Graduate School-  Approaches to navigating the graduate school experience. Asking the fundamental questions, “What Does It Mean to Be In Grad School + What Strategies/Skills Are Needed To Be Successful?”

Wellness & Wellbeing-  Overview of wellness and wellbeing paradigms. Strategies for assisting students to be more intentional in their actions and encourage engagement in healthy-lifestyle choices while in graduate school. Exploring the questions, “How Does School-Related Stress Affect a Student’s Mental Health?” and “How Does Burnout Affect Mental Health In Graduate Students?”

Wildcard- A free topic that is open to faculty that may not fit within the previous categories.

IRT Recruiters’ Weekend
July 19 – 20

We will host this year’s Recruiters’ Weekend using a new RingCentral Event platform which will 1) enhance the universities/colleges direct engagement with IRT Scholars, 2) give admissions personnel and their colleagues greater flexibility in how they want to design and set up their recruitment booths, and 3) increase access for scholars in different time zones or with other scheduling conflicts to still learn about a range of graduate programs. Recruitment booth set up has a range of possibilities that could include uploading videos, sharing preview days, alum panels as well as 1:1 and small group engagement with IRT Scholars.

IRT Summer Workshop Co-Curriculum Coordinators
  • Heather Moore Roberson, IRT ’07, ’10: Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Allegheny College
  • Ryan Sermon, IRT ’10: Assistant Dean, Student Affairs, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Arizona
IRT Summer Workshop Faculty
  • Joe Baez, IRT ’18: Doctoral Candidate, American Studies, The George Washington University
  • Sharity  Bannerman-Cobbinah, IRT ’08: Attorney Advisor, Department of Justice, Washington, DC
  • Guadalupe Del Rosario Barrientos, IRT ‘20: Doctoral Candidate, Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Aaron  Benavidez , IRT ’11: Doctoral Candidate, Sociology, Harvard University
  • Khrysta  Evans, IRT ’18: Doctoral Candidate, Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Armando Martinez, IRT ’19: Assistant Director of Residence Life and Learning, Tufts University
  • Astrid  Moises, IRT ’08: Literacy and Movement Teacher/Lead PK/3K Teacher, New York Schools
  • Sol Rheem, IRT ’15, ’20: Consultant for Highly Mobile Students – Migrant Education Program, Maine Department of Education
  • Toby Wu, IRT ’09, ’21: Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, New York University, Steinhardt

We feel honored and blessed to return to the IRT Summer Workshop.

We will once again offer “Shine Like Gloss: Skills for Thriving in a PhD Program,” a two-session seminar geared toward preparing scholars to reflect, in advance, on approaches to academic-life balance and the significance of a regular writing practice. We also look forward to cultivating a space, once again, where scholars can bring their full selves, including their curiosity and a deep desire to get at the heart of this next major era in front of them.

Aaron  Benavidez , IRT ’11: Doctoral Candidate, Sociology, Harvard University
Khrysta  Evans, IRT ’18: Doctoral Candidate, Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison


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